Saturday, May 1, 2010

If Left Unattended

As chronicled by Abby, daddy was asleep.
Mom was in the bathroom.  No pictures.
She led the way.
He followed.
But eventually found his own way.
It included this too.  Atleast they were taking turns.
Notice the foot in the corner. 
By the time I arrived back on the scene it was too late.
My cake was demolished in a few short minutes.


Rachel Holloway said...

OH NO!!!! Seriously that stinks--although there is a tiny bit of HILARIOUS about it, right? :) Glad you took the time to document it--it will be very funny to look back on in a few months...or years. :)

Anonymous said...

Dont you just LOVE finals week (or two)!

Lee and Roni Poston said...

Oh no! Was that a whole cake when they started? The up side is at least they were getting along right?

Anonymous said...

Cute little rabble-rousers. Much cuter when they're 1 and 4 and innocently (mostly) eating cake than when they're 14 and 15 and running around with those of the opposite gender and making they're mother's hair grey. Or innocently (mostly) running their cell phone bill up. Anyway, I can't believe you didn't include a picture of mommy in the bathroom.

Heather said...

I had a good laugh! Just what I needed when I was really mad. I wish I could have called you but it was already past 10 pm your time. I am sure you were frustrated, but the humor will be there later. It reminds me of things some of my kids have done...