Thursday, September 4, 2008

Last Thursday

Last Thursday Adam's office held a baby shower for me. It was so wonderful! I had always understood that you are only supposed to have one baby shower for your first child unless there are unusual circumstances (twins, big spaces between children, having a 4 or 5th child...) so it was really unexpected. It seemed like everyone was there. Yordi and Terry held the shower for me and it was really posh. They had a HUGE cake, brisket, fruit and vegetables, crackers and cheese, cookies... Tons of different things to drink. It was really well done. I really appreciated their efforts in putting it together and for everyone who participated.


S said...

I thought it was one shower max per child. Two for the first. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

The leftovers were tasty! The brisket was good for a couple of days. The cake was really good, but very fattening, I suppose. It was very nice of Adam's co-workers to do this.