Friday, November 19, 2010

Cheese Grommit

One of the greatest disapointments of my adult life is the low nutritional value of cheese.  I wish that I could count  cheese as a complete meal.  I just found out that cheese does not contain Vitamin D, even though milk and yogurt do.  Cheese is great, though.

 But it is fattening and has fairly low nutritional value, which is why it is usually counted more as a garnishment, or at best a side food.  Think how awesome it would be to have a piece of cheesecake and justify it because  it has cheese in it.  Or to eat a grilled cheese sandwich and justify all that butter because of the high nutritional content of the cheese.

This is on the eve of cheese leaving my diet.  Izzy has been fussy and I can just feel it beginning.  My other two children were allergic or whatever (read have massive explosive diarrhea episodes every couple of hours) to cheese.  Izzy isn't bad yet.  It usually peaks around 6-9 months and then slowly gets better.  I'm holding out for now.  Just slowly easing up on it.

I just wish that I could justify eating cheese as an entire meal and dessert because of it's incredible nutritional value.  I think I could do it atleast once a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheeez, I could do without. Except it makes pizza pretty delicious. Now chocolate, if I had to cut that out it would be like a death sentence. Sorry your babies are cheese fueled poo machines.