Sunday, May 8, 2011


Last week the challenges piled up.  And I was weighed down.  My husband, in spite of his heavy and arduous load (it was the beginning of a grueling test week) came home just long enough for me to take a quick run.  I ran out, heavy and burdened.  As my focus shifted from every other role I was juggling to runner I was able to look up and see the beautiful sunset.  I was able to breathe in the comfortable air and the sweet smell of mowed lawns.  I thought about the ways I challenged myself and how I want to put in more miles.  I genuinely want to run more.

Then I began to think about children, because I am a mom.  And no matter what or where we are the hardest thing to do is to not think about your children.  The thought occurred to me that children are a lot like miles.  Some people can't imagine one.  Others are happy to have two.  Some like three.  It is comfortable and there are lots of other people who do three.  It's a nice stopping point, long enough for a race but short enough to eat before you head out.  There are still others who dream of six or ten or twenty six or fifty.  Some don't ever want to stop.

Some feel like each one is a gift from God and can cherish and enjoy each one as they are given.  Some physically can't have one even though it is all they have dreamed of.  Other's struggle with one or two.  Some are easy and some are hard.  Some make you mad when they don't go quite as you planned.  Some make you crazy with all of their ups and downs.  Some make you cry.  Some make you laugh.  Some make you suffer, but also make you feel like you grew in the end.  Really each one is different, unique in the way that you handle them and the way they make you feel.  Some are so bad that you swear you will never do it again.  Others are so good you swear you could keep going forever.

The way I saw it that evening was insightful.  I'm not really sure where I fit in the whole scheme of it all, but I do very much feel that miles and children are the same.


Rachel Holloway said...

Love your analogy! :) It's a good one.

Lee and Roni Poston said...

With a cute face like that, who would want to stop? :)

Anonymous said...

SO true! Isn't it great how little nuggets of insight come while running? Its like our minds are more open and we can think more clearly. I'm so sorry you didnt have the chance to go for a run this morning. Maybe tomorrow? :)

Queen Mum said...

You can run forever! That is the cutest picture of Isabelle!
You can always start and stop with running. Not so with children, once you start, you are committed forever.