Monday, September 29, 2008

Kickboxer is breaking my bones

I'm trying to concentrate on other things besides the kickboxer. Sometimes I think that I could last 3 more weeks, other times I think that 3 more minutes is unbearable. There is no news. No signs that he is on his way. So hopefully I'll start having the feeling that I can last 3 more weeks instead of not 3 more minutes.

Abby is doing very well with potty training. We are not perfect but I am washing more dry panties than wet or dirty! The biggest difference in her having an accident vs not is how well she sleeps the night before. If she is well rested, we are good. If she is not then I already know to be on the defensive. I am just happy to be at a point where there is something I can pinpoint that makes a difference! I do not know what will happen when kickboxer makes his debut. We may be right back in diapers. I hope not.

Abby is in preschool. She is doing very well. She can't really write but she practices making circles a lot. Sometimes she will draw lines but I guess they are not as fun. I was looking at a drawing of hers that I saved from 10/30/07. It was just scribbles. Now she is drawing faces, limbs, and hands. She begs me to help her draw houses with grass and princesses holding pigs and flowers in their hands. Very cute. Very fun.

She has discovered play dough. So far it hasn't been too messy. Much easier to sweep up some play dough than to put the entire house back together. She loves it. A lot. I got her a bag that had 4 cans of dough and a couple of little tools. She loves them. But what she loves most is making a garden. She shapes her playdough into a great big lump and puts her crayons, paper, whatever she can in it. This is her playdough garden.

Working out is getting wimpier. I still do 30 minutes of cardio. No more running. I dream of running, but I just can't make myself do it. So after my 30 minutes of wimpy cardio on one of the machines I do a few weight machines. I'm down to about 3. Then I go. That's it. That's all. That's what my work-out has become. One fun thing about being this pregnant and working out is combating the comments I get from the old man that mans the front desk. He always asks me if I am going to have the baby while I'm working out. I never say no. I just always say that I think we might be in for an adventure. One of these days the mean streak is going to win out and I am going to pour some water in between my legs and double over with a very loud scream. As if giving birth could happen that fast for me. But he doesn't know that.

Sleeping isn't much better. I count it a good night if I can only remember waking up 3 times or less. I know that with a newborn that would be an incredible night of sleep. But at the same time I hope that I have better quality of sleep when I do sleep after having the baby. Right now I feel awake with hip and back pain and restless dreams. The air conditioning (yes, we live in TX and we still have the AC on) wakes me up. Rolling over requires a small forklift. Then there is Abby who has been waking up early in the morning swearing that the upstairs is infested with monsters and ghosts. And not going back to sleep. Sunday morning she got up at about 6 am and sat there for an hour trying to pick the monsters off of me. I clipped her finger nails later that day.

So that is how things are going for now. Hopefully my next post will be more exciting and less whiny.


Laura said...

Lol biffy - you make me laugh talking about Abby's monsters. Kevin is sure they are in his room too. =) Keep hanging in there - that baby can't stay in there forever =).

Anonymous said...

I remember the running dreams I had with Sara. I would dream that Chevy and I were out running and the weather was perfect and we were in the zone and everything was candy canes and lolipops. Then I would wake up and try to spring out of bed to go for a run and there would be this bowling ball in my belly holding me back. ugh. Abby is so artistic! Theron has very little interest in creating anything. Circles would be quite advanced for him. He draws a line now and then and depending on his mood it is either a light-saber or a tail.