Saturday, March 6, 2010

Swollen Face

My face is really swollen.  I don't know why.  It started earlier this week with just one side of my face but now both sides of my face are swollen.  I have only had my face swell like this twice before in my life.  The first time was in college during spring time.  It was you know about the same time March-ish and my face began to swell until I looked like a klingon.  I'm pretty sure I was really allergic to some springtime blossoming action.  It just happened that I started a social dance class that week.  When I finally got my face under control the teacher asked me to introduce myself to the class and asked if I needed him to sign my add card.  Lots of people were confused when I tried to explain that I had been there for a week already.  I'm pretty scared that I am going for a repeat of this experience. 


Susan said...

So is this picture an official look at it?!

Elizabeth said...

ummm for now. yes.

Rachel Holloway said...

that is so crazy!! Though, I have to say, I thought you looked great today!! Did I miss the swellage?? (and yes, I made that word up)