Brushing Abby's hair everyday has taught me a little bit about fear. While brushing her hair doesn't always feel good I know that it doesn't hurt as much as she cries. When I ask her if it actually hurts or if she is scared of it hurting she usually responds that she is scared. I think of all the painful things I am scared of, mostly growing pains. I wonder why in most cases my fear largely out weighs the actual pain. I am very scared of going down rocks on a bike. I'm very scared of falling. It would hurt. But really the fear far exceeds the actual pain I would feel.
I think that the only really justified fear I have is of the dentist. No amount of fear is adequate to the pain a dentist can and usually does inflict. Even a bad dental hygenist could easily get me through a fast Sunday. And for some reason all the drugs in the world can't dull the pain that a dentist can inflict. What's worse is that even though every hygenist and dentist I have had in the last 8 years has said that I have incredible tooth hygiene it doesn't make up for the super crappy teeth genes that I inherited. That means unavoidable cavities. Inevitable dentist inflicted pain. Sends shivers through me everytime. The next time we go camping Adam is going to tell me dentist stories instead of ghost stories.
I wish blogspot had a "like" feature. Because I don't have anything brilliant to say about your blog post other than " I like." :)
I have no fear of pain. Pain is a figment of your imagination. Learn to control it Biffy, it can be done.
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