Thursday, June 19, 2008

That's not uncommon

I went to the doctor today. I had one issue besides pregnancy and a cold. The doctor just said that it was common in second and third pregnancies, that it would get worse and worse and then really bad. Then it would get a little better and that it will never go away. Then he said, you sound sick. I said yeah. He said, that's gonna linger and take you a while to get over.

On the bright side Adam and I may have found a car to buy. We have an appointment to get it on Saturday morning. The deal is contingent on whether or not the current owners can find a new car to buy. I'm praying that they do. It will be an awesome deal if we get it.

Abby is in swim lessons. She is doing really well in them. I think that she is the youngest one in her class. Technically you have to be 3 to go in it but she was ready so they advanced her to the pre-K level. She does really well going all of the way under the water, kicking, and she now paddles. She won't quite jump off the side into the water. She still reaches for your hands. I'm not really sure why they teach them to jump into the side anyway since they yell at you when you do it during normal hours. Today we had our safety day because it there were Thunderstorms. It was really pleasant. Now it is blistering hot again.


Unknown said...

Sounds like your doctor is pretty dry. Good luck on the car. What is it?

pappasan said...

I prefer Doctors to be somewhat blunt. I don't like anyone beating around the bush, trying to save hope and despair. Usually when they do, is when they usually open up with answers. If they beat around the bush, they then tend to beat around the answers as well. The worst thing, I think Dr's can do is to take a person down so bad, that person has ambition to help themselves.

Unknown said...

deep thoughts by....pappasan...

pappasan said...

Not deep thoughts, personal experience.

Laura said...

Was this supposed to be a riddle like in the Hobbit? Or did your doctor tell you that without really telling you what the problem was????

Elizabeth said...

L-I knew what the issue was before I went to the doctor. The vagueness is for the blog.

Anonymous said...

You don't want to bare your medical soul to the world via your blog! How dare you keep secrets from your readers, we must know all! Unless it's gross, in which case; Eeeeew! keep it to yourself! Haha!

Laura said...

lol - I'll call you =). If I forget, will you call me? =)