Sunday, March 29, 2009

Morning Person

Each time I have been pregnant it has shook me to the core. It seems that I am at some point rattled down to the barest part of who am. As I am now re-collecting myself after having Joshua I am wondering what has changed about me.
For most of my life I have been a morning person. If I am tired I prefer to wake up early and nap or go to bed early. Sleeping in usually makes me feel gross and wasteful. Also when I wake up I can usually be happy and ready to do things.
Since I've had Joshua things have changed. I wouldn't classify myself as a night-owl by any means but I don't feel like getting out of bed either. I'm no longer plagued by feeling gross or wasteful if I sleep in until 8:30.
Ironically I miss getting up early. I have been fighting to regain my morning chipperness. I miss feeling refreshed and ready to greet the day. Maybe I am trying to soon since having Joshua but I really want this part of me back.


Laura said...

it will - I know things seem altered, but you are still the same person in there! =) I LOVE the pictures of the kiddos here =), and I just have to tell you before any more time passes, that I love the blankets you made us and the nursing shield - they are beautiful, and wonderful, and make us feel like a part of you is here with us.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could just be chipper in the morning. Or wake up when I'm supposed to. I can't wait til allergy season is OVER!