Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I've been reading some books about exercise lately.  Can you tell?  One thing that I just learned that you all probably know already is how to tell if you are training too hard and avoiding training medium hard. 

The book that I read suggested that if you can tell that you are training too hard if you have sleep interruptions (fatigue and/or insomnia), injury or a high RHR.  They suggested taking your RHR every morning and if it more than 5 points above normal that your body has too much stress.  I had no idea.

Training medium hard is where your 'easy' workouts are too hard and your hard workouts are too easy.  I think that I fall into this trap a lot.  I never feel like taking an easy day which makes it hard to have a really hard day.  Thus I train mostly in this medium hard category.

On a side note Josh just fell into the shower. Gotta go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must be a medium hardness. If I were a man that would be kinda sad. That's all I'm gonna say on that subject. Except that the word verification is "menoafs". Is it trying to tell us something? If so, it's not anything we don't already know.