Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

Flower's Adam got me

Joshy helps make heart-shaped rice krispy treats
Chocolate covered rice krispy treats....mmmmmm
Heart shaped completely home-made ravioli

Needless to say we had a delicious and beautiful day.


Amber said...

Those are gorgeous flowers! And oh my goodness, all of that food looks amazing! I'm glad you guys had a great Valentine's Day! :)

Rachel Holloway said...

So glad you had a great v-day! And I am especially glad you enjoyed and were successful with your homemade ravioli! It looks perfect!!!

pappasan said...

Thanks for making me gain another 10 lbs, just from your pictures, Biffy.

Anonymous said...

Biffy, you could give Martha Stewart a run for her money. I got fancy and made some homemade carmel rolls for valentine's breakfast. I accidentally doubled the butter in the carmel, so I had to double the sugar, too, so they were actually double carmel carmel rolls. Then I pulled out all the stops and gave everyone a Reese's peanut butter heart. I know, don't get too jealous. When I'm old and ready for the home, the home I'll be ready for is yours. Hopefully you won't have forgotten how to make heart-shaped ravioli despite your Alzheimer's fog.

Elizabeth said...

I'll be making it again so that it will be etched into my memory.